Monday, November 11, 2019

Unusually Great Words

I came across some unusual words. Some you may know but most of them you probably haven't heard of, until now.
















Blogger doesn't believe most of these are actually words.


anne marie in philly said...
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anne marie in philly said...

I have heard 3 words on this list; the rest, I'm not sure. although I COULD make up some dirty synonyms for "winklepicker"...

Birgit said...

I often use the second last word! What about Nitpicker? That would could get together with winklepicker and thrust out some scrumptious words

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

As someone who does a lot of crossword puzzles, I've used or seen most of those at some time.

Jaclyn said...

Blogger also doesn't believe that amongst and the "brussel" part of brussel sprouts are real words either. :(

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I've used Quire in Scrabble.

Mary Kirkland said...

I've heard of Scrumptious and Serendipity from your list but that's it.

Adam said...

No word is truly real once the Sun becomes a red giant.

Except "oh fuck!"

Liz A. said...

You're making some of those up... Of course, I've had people question that ick is a word.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

The only words I know from this list are: scrumptious, gobbledygook and serendipity. Also: quire, simply because there is a literary magazine here in Canada called "Quill and Quire."

Theresa Mahoney said...

Winklepicker bwahahaha! I could have fun with that one.

DEZMOND said...

Where are the meanings and definitions?

CJ Kennedy said...

I had a scuptious jentacular while waiting for the ice in my winklepickers to melt.

Joanne said...

some of those sound like an itch in the wrong spot

Tanza Erlambang said...

I just know "Kakorrhaphiophobia".....

yellowdoggranny said...

those are all nicknames for my 3 husbands and a few boyfriends

Leigh Caron said...

Wonder what it's like to pick a winkle?

Geo. said...

You hooked me with "Ulotrichous". Since an ancient invasion by the Moors, Portuguese have been afflicted by ulotrichy. It is why I've had curly hair all my life --except lately, it has relaxed to "very wavy", with ocean sound effects. I'd like to add my two favorite verbal rarities to tour excellent list: Flapdoodle and Hornswoggled. Flapdoodle sounds like the nonsense it defines, but Hornswoggled always sounded like a more pleasurable experience.

Words and Pictures said...

Scrumptious and Gobbledygook both have a regular place in my usage, and Serendipity may be my favourite word of all. I have always hated Winklepickers - the ugliest shoe in the world, and usually worn with trousers far too tight-fitting to flatter the wearer. I'm at home with Quire - given I spend a lot of my time with either paper and/or Renaissance playwrights, and we actually had a Halfpace in the house where I grew up. But even as a word-lover I'm going to have to do some googling with most of the rest so thank you for that... always love finding a new word. Though is Yarborough not just the name of a town? Sounds awfully familiar. Anyway, off to google...