I decided to venture out of my comfort zone and start a YouTube channel. I can finally be one of the cool kids and sit in the back of the bus. It is essentially going to be an extension of my blog. It is called Reviews You Can't Use. I will be reviewing Pop Culture from the 80's, 90's and 2000's. I will also have random reviews about whatever pops into my head like giraffes or pumpkin pie. I plan on taking some content from here and also making some new stuff. It will be silly, funny and head scratching.
I will continue to post here as I normally do. I will still visit and comment on your blogs as I already do. I need to keep those creative juices flowing. You will finally see me as me instead of Powdered Toast Man. My name is Jamie, nice to make your acquaintance.
I have only posted two videos and they are kind of terrible but hey you gotta start somewhere. I reviewed Paw Patrol and The Goonies. If you frequent YouTube a lot or even a tiny amount, check me out. Hit me up with some love in the form of likes and comments. Subscribe if you want to see me make an ass of myself.
Click HERE to be transported my YouTube channel.
Thank you in advance for the support. Do any of you have channels?
Live action humor! About time. Hey, just watch the VH1 series and you'll get a lot of pop culture ideas.
Now off to watch you be terrible.
As if reading you wasn't enough, now we have to listen to you as well??? :)))))
Good luck!
I don't do much of the YouTubes. Unless you count finding a quick video to placate a class... Good luck with your channel. I'll have to check it out when I'm not watching 8 guitarists independently practicing (it's not as jarring as you'd think).
Good for you! Your posts aren't "terrible." Just have fun with 'em!
Videos are a lot of work, but more and more people are turning to those over blogs, so I think you're onto something by getting your channel up and going now so you don't fade into the dust like many of us bloggers will some day. Good luck!
i keep my fingers cross your your youtube activity:) follow:) hope U follow back:)
What's one more terrible cool youtube channel.
nice blog ganga bhakti
bhakti gana
Good luck! Videos are a lot more work than blogging, but are a lot more fun than reading through an article. :)
Subscribed........for now, lol!
Good luck
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