For complete rules and naked pictures of Richard Nixon, go HERE. There have been so many blogfests, bloghops and other blog related things to participate in, it is hard to keep up. I know about 83% of you didn't click the link to read the rules and background for this blogfest, so I will sum it up in a few words. Basically, how does the world end?
How I think the Apocalypse will happen:
A crazed fan will somehow clone Justin Bieber but something goes terrible wrong (besides the fact that the fan cloned him). The cloning machine goes haywire and continues to clone Justin Bieber. No one can stop it, not even the scientist that invented the cloning device. Hundreds, then thousands, then millions of Biebers wander the streets. They invade stores, peoples homes and make their way to other countries. The worst part is all they do is sing "oh baby," over and over again.
Nobody knows what to do. The leaders of every country get together and a decision is made. The only option is mass murder and suicide. Every human on Earth that is not Justin Bieber commits suicide. For those unable to do it themselves such as children, coma patients and the elderly, they are murdered first. I, Powdered Toast Man only survive to write down the events and then I take my own life. Millions of Justin Biebers are left to roam Earth by themselves. God help any extra terrestrials that land on Earth.
This blogfest is hosted by Chuck over at Apocalypse Now and Shannon over at The Warrior Muse. Join in on the fun or be a bum, either way.