Friday, March 5, 2010

Movie Game Answers and More

Time is up!! The first Movie Game is closed for guessing. I see a lot of you love the game so I am going to make it a part of my weekly blog posts. Here are the answers, drum roll please.....

Easy. Link: Swordfish to National Treasure

Answer: Face/Off (John Travolta and Nicholas Cage)

Medium. Link: Dumb and Dumber to High Fidelity

Answer: The Cable Guy (Jim Carrey and Jack Black)

Hard. Link: There's Something About Mary to Cliffhanger

Answer: Shrek (Cameron Diaz and John Lithgow) This one was tricky because it was an animated movie. You have to think outside the box.

How did everybody feel about the difficulty of the questions? I have been playing this game for a few months so it's hard for me to judge. The only one to guess correctly was ASBLACKASOBAMA. He got the easy and medium questions.

I am going to keep stats of your answers on the side of my blog, to keep track of the movie buffs. I have also gathered the stats for all Trivia Corner answers. Those will be posted on the side of the blog as well. You will receive points by either guessing the correct answer, giving a creative answer or just making an educated guess in general. 3 points will be awarded for the correct answer, 2 for creativity, and 1 for an educated guess. Asblackasobama is currently kicking everybody's ass in Trivia Corner. Check the side of the blog for the current rankings. I still need suggestions for a prize to give out. Copy Boy at Not Worth Mentioning suggested beer.

Also if you have not voted on the worst movie poll, do it now!! We need a clear cut winner/loser at the end.


Jerry said...

Wow I so missed this! I would have gotten at least the first one right!! I will have to keep a look out for it next time.

California Keys said...

Woo hoo! I'm in the lead! How many points are we playing to?

The Man-Cave said...

Answer: Shrek (Cameron Diaz and John Lithgow) This one was tricky because it was an animated movie. You have to think outside the box.

AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I racked my brain on this one and did not want to use IMDB, that's no fun. Good one dude. That was fun and animated or not, Shrek still is a film. Well played Toast, well played.