Fantastic news!! My stubborn baby finally decided to check out of the womb. Born on Wednesday June 19th at 6:28 pm. Only 11 days late and 30 hours of labor later, Olivia Marie Scully is finally here. At 6lb 2oz and laying down at 18" long, she is the best thing to happen to me. Just look how cute she is!!
It is such a great feeling to be a daddy. I tear up every time I look at her. She is such a good baby. She has such a cute girly cry. I want her to stay like this forever. I didn't know how I would handle being a new parent but it seems to come naturally. I've already changed like 10 diapers and don't even care that I got a little poop on my one time. I can't express how happy and excited I am to have her in my life. If you are a parent I am sure you know what I am feeling.
As you probably guessed I am going to take a little sabbatical from blogging to spend time with my daughter. I will be back soon. I need to get adjusted to her schedule and learn how to function on less sleep. Enjoy the pics and see you soon.