Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Trivia Corner #13 Answer

Jumbo the Elephant, of Barnum & Bailey Circus fame. After Jumbo died in a train accident in 1885, showman P.T. Barnum had him stuffed and in 1889 donated him to Tufts, where he became the university mascot. When fire destroyed the mammoth mascot in 1975, his ashes were put in a peanut butter jar and kept for good luck for the university's sports teams, which are known as the Jumbos


Jerry said...

I don't know about you but I think I would be creeped out by the Elephants ashes in a jar.

adrienzgirl said...

Um...how the hell big a jar of Peanut Butter did they use? That had to be a BOATLOAD of ashes. Just sayin'.

Copyboy said...
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Copyboy said...

My friend went to Tufts. In his apartment he had a huge Jumbos flag! He used to make me feel inferior. A real bummer.

TS Hendrik said...

This sounds like a setup for a bad movie. Late night party, some guy who's high wanders around looking for munchies. Spots a peanut butter jar...

California Keys said...

I was in San Diego and too late to answer.... But my cousin went to Tufts and he told me about the whole elephant thing.

He had no room to make me feel inferior though. My college's mascot was an elephant too!