We both got sunburned on day 3 of vacation so we decided it would be a good idea not to go to the beach and risk 2nd degree burns. I'm having a brain fart, which is worse 1st degree burns or 3rd degree burns? I think it's 3rd degree.
Instead we decided to got to a magical place for breakfast instead of eating the continental breakfast downstairs in the hotel lobby. What is the name of this magical place you ask? It's a little place called IHOP. Shame on you if you have never experienced the wonders of the delicious IHOP. I was a little apprehensive about going on a Sunday because it's usually jammed packed. However we were going at like 9 in the morning so it wasn't busy yet.
Strangely enough I never get the pancakes at IHOP, I usually go for some french toast or something different. This time was different because I saw something that caught my eye. There was a picture of double blueberry pancakes, it looked so scrumptious I almost ate the menu. I had to have them in my tummy but then I saw that they had strawberry cheesecake pancakes. I had to make a life changing choice; double blueberry or strawberry cheesecake pancakes? Which do you think I chose? Which one would you have chosen? I will let you ponder that for a second, cue Jeopardy theme here.
I had to go with my first instinct here, that's always the safest bet. I declared "sir waiter, I would like to partake in the tasting of these tantalizing blueberry delights" (I didn't actually say that but it would of been funny). I also got home fries with cheddar cheese, fried eggs, bacon and some rye toast without butter. I wanted my toast without butter so I could fashion a bacon and egg sammich (yes I said sammich, got a problem with that?) with just a hint of ketchup and hot sauce. For the life of me I can't remember what Nicole got, I was too mesmerized by my delectable pancakes. I think she got an omelet but I can't be sure. I have never tried crack but I can make an assumption that these blueberry stacks of heaven are as addicting. I urge you to go to your nearest IHOP and prepare your taste buds for a magic ride down delicious lane. I should be getting paid by IHOP for this awesome plug.
The only disappointment came when I learned that they didn't have those loaded home fries that I raved about in my first IHOP review back in March. They also didn't have the new coffees that I had back in March but my disappointment only last a few seconds.
Later that day (after our breakfast had settled) we rented a surrey (a bike with 4 wheels that seats 2-6 people). We found a coupon for buy one hour for $14.99 get second hour free. We cruised up and down the boardwalk. This bike is fun but it is also a lot of exercise, it's not easy peddling this thing. Click on the pics to enlarge them.

It was hot that day. It's a good thing that surrey has a roof. At one point we got some snow cones and found a nice shady spot to enjoy them. Mmmm snow cone juice.
I can't remember what we did for lunch that day but we got a philly cheese steak pizza and some cheese bread from a place that we ordered from last year. Again we had a coupon. We had many coupon books and usually only did or ate something that had a coupon, gotta save money somehow. We had it delivered to the hotel this time. We were foolish enough to drive to the pizzeria last year, who does that?
Last year the pizza was deliciously cheesy. This year it was very greasy and not as good. Frankly, I was a little disappointed. The cheese bread was tasty though. That pizza sat in my stomach like a rock.
I don't want to end this post on a bad note in light of the pizza. I will imagine eating at IHOP to change the mood. Tune in next week for vacay day 5.
It's all about coupons! I love how much you can save by using the things, too. A friend and I went to IHOP just the other day and I almost got those pancakes, but I opted for something else…I'd looked at the strawberry version as well. I thought you were going to ask them to combine the two together to be honest.
F'n IHOP.... They Didn't think it was funny when I had a full leg cast and my kid said to the waitress "My mom should work her,, What do you do without your crutches mom?" "IHOP" (insert my tween children losing all rational thought on how loud they should laugh and snort in public here).. I know it's a old joke but her timing was good.. I think my Tea had spit in it...
But the pancakes were good...wink-- Your trip sounds so awesome, I love meandering days with great company!!!
That was my mom should work here...sigh..I don't "work" women...eeeeeep
Right about now, I gotta have a big breadfast!
I need to get out of town also.
Nothing wrong with using coupons!
That bike thing looks really fun.
Now I just want pancakes though. Thanks. lol
I'm a bit disappointed in you, PTM. I thought you'd go for the strawberry cheesecake pancakes. I guess I don't know you as well as I thought. Did you get the cake yet?
All this talk of food is making me truly hungry for pancakes or SOMETHING. This trip looks killer awesome.
I wish we have IHOP here. Pancakes at McD are puny and wimpy.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Pancakes....... sounds like you had an awesome trip, I woulda gone with the blueberry pancakes as well.
I would have asked if they could make me Double Blueberry Cheesecake Pancakes...strawberries are boring in comparison. That Surrey is awesome though - I wonder if we could put radial tires on it and pedal it around the desert?
I think I just had a cheat pain reading about the IHOP breakfast you ordered! Talk about killer good!
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