Alex at Alex J. Cavanaugh has come up with another awesome blogfest. I loved the last dirty dozen movie blogfest so I jumped right on board with this one. If you haven't signed up yet or have no idea what this blogfest is about, go visit Alex's blog. Now let's get down to brass tax.
In no particular order.
Friends - This is by far my favorite show. It is one of the few I followed from the beginning. I watch reruns almost everyday on TBS. I still haven't gotten around to getting the entire show on DVD.
Seinfeld - I just love the stupid humor of this show. I find you either love or hate this show.
The King of Queens - I think I might have a thing for Jerry Stiller.
Scrubs - The Janitor is my favorite character.
That 70's Show - This is before I thought Ashton Kutcher was a douche.
The Price is Right - Bob Barker is the only host in my mind.
Family Guy - I don't think I have to say anything about this show. Sooo funny.
House, M.D. - I am behind a season but thanks to Netflix I'm catching up. I hope there is a real Gregory House in real life.
Nip/Tuck - My sister got me addicted to this show. Every episode was crazy. They could of done another season.
Still Standing - You can't go wrong with family humor and Jami Gertz as the hot mom. They canceled this show way too fast. Then they stopped showing reruns. Damn somebody!!
So there is my list, short and sweet. Now go make your own if you haven't yet.
The janitor IS the best in Scrubs. And I can't believe I forgot about "That 70s Show".
Great list!
Good list. I like That 70s Show and Scrubs. At least, I liked Scrubs the first few seasons.
A great list. I totally forgot about the 70's show. Top ten or twenty just isn't enough...
If there's a real House, I want him on my case, but he can stay away from my room!
Thanks for participating in the blogfest!
Amazing. Same viewing habits to a tee.
oh, you got some I missed! Wonderful.
Some good comedies on there. Family Guy and Friends are my favourite. Nice choices.
The Janitor went to school with my hubby. They didn't know each other though. Darn it. lol
I'm a "House" fan too! Great list
Great list! King of Queens is the hubsters second favorite show. He's got a thing for Leah Remini. I think I've seen every episode at least three times. That's what I get for buying him the DVD sets, I guess.
Would you believe I've NEVER seen House?!! Call the paramedics. I must be sick, eh?
I'm back from vacation. Sure did miss everyone's blogs while I was away.
I love the Price is Right!! And House!! And Friends. Great shows. :)
We had a version of the Price is Right, but as for the others I know nothing.I did enjoy reading about them.
Normally comedies aren't my top thing, but in the comedy genre, you've got some great ones. I love That 70s Show, and Friends and Seinfeld are way up there.
I haven't heard of all of them, but Scrubs I love! My other half just doesn't find it funny. His loss.
Great choices!
Top Ten TV Blogfest
I just flipped on TV a little while ago and "Price Is Right" with Wayne Brady. The show seemed to totally lack energy. The audience looked very tired and ready for sleep.
Tossing It Out
SCRUBS!!! that show is great! i can't believe i haven't seen it on anyone else's list! nice picks!
I love House! New episode on in less than a hour, too.
And wow, I haven't heard Powdered Toast Man since the 90's when we used to watch Ren & Stimpy all the time!
Awesome list! We share a lot of the same favorites.
I laughed at the before Ashton was a douchebag comment.
My son watches Price is Right a few times a week. He doesn't even know who Bob Barker is!
I forgot about still standing and the 70's show! I need a bigger list
There's a lot here that I've never watched - I'll have to check some of them out, esp. Nip/Tuck.
King of Queens was so underrated/ I am glad that I am the only one that found Jami Gertz hot.
I forgot about Scrubs!! So funny. And I love Family Guy. You really picked great comedies. I watched Nip/Tuck like an addict for the first couple seasons, and then lost track of it. It was so good, though. Probably still is, too, but I haven't seen it in ages.
Love your list! I know all but the last two.
W.I.P. It: A Writer's Journey
Good list! Aren't you a little young to remember some of those? LOL
These are all great shows :)
and i agree Bob Barker was the best host!
I've never actually met anyone who doesn't like Seinfeld. If I ever do, I think I might have to punch them.
Bob Barker, PTM?? REALLY?? Did you and he -- uh, nevermind!
Oh, I love King of Queens...Kevin James is a hoot~ Great list! Yes,
Bob Barker was a great host~
Good list. I always wanted to get into Nip/Tuck, but have been stubborn because it was the cause of a show I like getting the axe. Family Guy and Seinfeld - I'm with you on those.
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